

So yesterday I was feeling kind of under the weather partially because I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep the previous night and partially because perhaps I had too much to drink the previous night and had a hangover, I would like to think that the state I was in was due to the former not the latter, but the truth is, well...

But regardless, I wasn't feeling too well so I decided to take a shower and walk down to my local neighborhood bookstore (Bailey/Coy Books) and pick up the most recent issue of The New Yorker and go to a coffee shop and just sit and try to let the bad air pass and leave my body. While there I read an article discussing the Clinton/Obama run for the Democratic nomination and it made some very good points even though it was vis à vis an ad for yet another supposed politically UNcorrect show starring non other than Americas political bad boy Bill Maher. Oh, the wit this man holds...I'm sure is currently in a folder in the office of his intern, or perhaps secretary. ANYWAYS, the article is by Hendrik Hertzberg and if you're interested you should either go buy a copy of the current New Yorker or go stand in the magazine aisle...I'm sure no one will yell at you, and read it. Aside from being clearly pro-Obama (which I think is fantastic), the articles closing sentence is perhaps it's most powerful.
"Hillary Clinton would make a competent, knowledgeable, and responsible President. Barack Obama just might make a transformative one."

I support Barack Obama, fully. And although I will vote for Hillary if she got the nomination, I will do it pensively.

***The New Yorker article I reference in this post is from the February 11th-18th, 2008 issue.

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