Was so awesome. I finally bought a bike and a record player. I kind of went crazy with my record purchases but, like you know...whatever. I got the following:
The Magick Markers -- Feel The Crayon
New Order -- True Faith EP
The Talking Heads -- Speaking In Tongues
Shoplifting -- Shoplifting
No Age -- Get Hurt EP
The Anaksimandros -- River of Finland
Panther -- Yourself
Talbot Tagora
Shoplifting -- Hegemony Enemy/Talk of the Town
I have been riding my bike so much, I didn't realize how much I was going to like it but it's super fun. I started school this month and I got a new job which kicks a lot of ass. My class is really boring and so is work but thats the shit you have to go through to get to the big bucks. Like the dude from Crass said... "the shit you have to climb through is the shit you choose to take." So I am totally taking it but, like you know...whatever. Casey, Dale, Ian, Schanen and Andrew (Schandrew?) all moved in together in a really beautiful house in the Central District/Madrona/Leschi area and it's totally like the best place ever. Schanen, Andrew and I started a band called Aware Wolf, you can listen to it here. The painting that Matt and I did while he was in Seattle is going to be in an art show at Qarts (the queer art space on Capitol Hill) and I am so stoked. I will get pics up after the opening (which you should go to) this SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6TH from 7-10. So you can go and look at art and then start the party after that. Well that's all of the stuff that I can think of that happened in my life during the month of September. Mikaela's Fiend broke up which was a sad event, lots of memories.
Anyways, since starting a blog totally makes me feel like a teenager I'm going to leave you with something that I did when I was a teenager: post music lyric everywhere. The song is by New Order, it's called True Faith. Enjoy!