As I scroll up and down on my iTunes music library my eyes go in and out of focus and the combination of the different columns almost form strange figures out of text within the window. Sometimes I move the middle finger of my right hand from the scroll up arrow to the scroll down arrow and just zone out while gazing deep into my iTunes window. The weirdest thing I have ever seen while doing this was something that looked like this blocky silhouette of a person, a woman in fact...the figure appeared to be wearing a skirt, holding something that if your eyes were strained hard enough looked kind of like a butterfly. My mind was blown a little bit. What is the etymology of all those blurred out words I often wonder, the origin behind The Who's "Baba O'Riley" or perhaps something more generic but no doubt as interesting. Do people choose words to use simply because they sound better next to other words? Once I watched a four hour documentary that was a compilation of three different Noam Chomsky lectures. His words sound really nice together, but thats probably because he is the number one linguistics professor at MIT. In my room I have an American flag hanging up, would Chomsky advise me to burn it or would he just think that my not so subtle attempt at irony is dumb? How does he know so much about our world? I would love to meet him because there has to be at least one or two things that you could tell him that he isn't aware of. I could probably tell him about how much it sucks to have an over-drawn bank account or maybe what is the best way to go about rolling a perfect spliff. The second one is actually wrong, I roll really shitty spliffs...non of my friends want to smoke them. After I roll them they all get really sad and decide to do knife hits instead, which is fine except for the fact that I am terrible at knife hits. I wonder if Chomsky has ever done a knife hit. He most likely hasn't, but I'm pretty sure he has smoked weed before...he must have. In the 60's he was good friends with those anti-war people, flower children, hippies, the un-shaven. Those people smoked a lot of weed...they must have extended the peace pipe to Chomsky and thus a mutual interest between hippies and nerds was established. This friendship would be tumultuous at times but when it was good it was great. Like the time I saw a guy with dread-locks wearing a DEVO shirt. That was cool. Unity. Thats what the 60's were about I think. I think that the time I live in as made me a lot less interesting, in the 60's there were no Myspace profiles, if you were lame you had no escape from it because everyone could see exactly what you were about. There was no way for you to write something random in your "about me" to make yourself seem more deep and interesting. You were just a douche out in the open. Being a douche in private is a lot easier, no one can call bullshit on you cause no one is certain of your true douche-bagery. Maybe I am being very harsh. The other day I had this weird red bump at the area that your fore-arm and your bi-cep meet, you know, the area that is 180 degrees from your elbow. Anyways, one of my co-workers asked me if it was a trak mark, like from doing heroin. No way. That is for losers. If I need to be that relaxed I will just take two thera-flus and put on my Sade record. I don't want scars and missing teeth for the sake of relaxation. I would rather have two anxiety attacks a day than that. It just kind of made me feel uncomfortable that this person who I work with would assume that first before anything else, and ask if thats what it was rather than just asking what it was. It bummed me out, the whole day I kept trying not to show that area off, and I was trying to think of ways to make it go away. Scratching only made it worse. I had to think of something else but by the time I needed to think of something else I was off of work so I just took the bus home and hung out on my couch for a few hours. I also checked my Myspace, and went out for a cigarette. That was it.